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Sabtu, 23 Mei 2009

Automobile Component that need to be Paid Attention when the Rains

The rains has started comes. His bulk frequency is of course has not every day, but once overland flow makes Jakarta paralysis. Water pond emerges everywhere and flooding, besides in titik-tik customer, also happened in new location like underpass.

Risks dashs against flooding, it is not impossible direct engine walks out because there are component sprinkled by water. more Hard, sudden of engine damage because inhaling quite a lot water.

Component any kind of which able to make carriage to walk out or kettle to race moulting? There are some, but primal paid attention by distributor and atmosphere filter peripheral.

This is component that need to be paid attention.

1. Distributor
The function, spatter dealer of fire from coil to every ignition plug. If terendam or sprinkled by water, division of electrizing cannot flatten. "If will be safe can be wrapped with plastics pocket. Especially its lower part, "suggestion Abikusno. If do not willing to be wrapped, can be sprayed with fluid containing silicon part of cables as well as in stamping distributor (delco). If when remain to is let naked, more than anything else you don't know situation Distributor and elevation of water, results engine to chok up and dead firing system.

2. Atmosphere Filter
Need to be paid attention, especially its the tubings, ascertains nothing that leaky or the klem slack. Then, the atmosphere filter. After having been changed with model "naked" better return to the standard angle blocks. Because, if when wet filter and not quickly is dried, water easy to be inhaled steps into combustion chamber. Piston can and as of nail puller moults as result of water hammer.

3. Suck passage aperture
The happening of water hammer (besides fresh air filter model) inlet water cause through?via suck passage aperture (water intake). There are some automobile which induction port faces downwards like Korean (Hyundai and KIA). Medium of Suzuki Karimun enough heights. There is also position of the suck passage aperture lower than headlight. So, ascertains position of water snout intake. If can be changed faces upward, does to protected water admission when dashing against flooding.

4. Alternator
The position, usually nearby compressor AC. The difference, this component there are cord coil with electrical supply task to battery and overall of system when engine works. Until sprinkled by water bia happened combustible short circuit and coil. Ascertains elevation of the position with water which will be dashed against.

5. Meter stick oil (Dipstick)
Only is in the form of stick measure quantity oil in engine. So, pays attention to gum on the top, breakdown after having can become "ingate" water create admission.

6. Coil and Busi
If when two this components sprinkled water makes limp engine or coughs the firing system cause annoyed as result of the relation of in short is hit water. As spatter of spark to ignition plug, if not function engine thus dead. (Kompas)

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